Group Administration
Group Administration
uses groups to define a set of related user accounts that can share access to a
file or directory.
Important points:
A user can
be participant to more than one group at the same time.
A user who
is member of a group can change to that group without password but when
a user was not member can
only change to that group if the group password exist and the
user gives it.
or more users can become group
administrators for specific groups.
Group Administrators can:
add/change/delete the password of the group
add/delete users to the group
reserve the group to members only
Types of groups
There are
two types of groups. They are
Primary group: These
groups are created automatically when user was created.
Secondary group: these
groups are created by the admin manually.
The groups configuration files:
/etc/group: Where
all the users for each groups are listed.
groupname: Password
or x or ! : GID: Memberlist
/etc/gshadow: Where the groups passwords are kept
groupname : Password or !
: AdminUsersList : MemberUsersList
To create a new group,
use the groupadd command:
groupadd group
where group specifies the name of the
group to be added. Groups are stored in the file /etc/group, which can be read by any user but modified only by root.
-g gid for users
-o to override
To delete a group, user
the groupdel command.
groupdel group
where group specifies the name of the
group to be deleted.
Group membership
To add user or delete users to group we use the
gpasswd command
gpasswd [options] group
where group specifies the name of the
group to be assigned to users
a user Adds
permanently a user to a group
d user
Deletes permanently a user from a group.
-A adds a
group administrator
-M adds
multiple users to the group
Modifying a group
groupmod command is used to modify the group
groupmod [options] group
where group specifies the name of the
group to be modified
-n to assign new name for group
-p to change password
-g to change gid
groupadd -g 600
groupmod –g 700 student
groupmod –n teachers
gpasswd -M raju koti Student
gpasswd –d raju Student
gpasswd –a raju Student
groupdel Student
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