Configuring a Router
Different Modes of Operation of Router
User mode
- This mode is used for basic monitoring.
- commands used in this mode are
Privileged mode
- we can enter into this mode by using enable command.
- This mode is used to see and save the router configuration.But we can't change the router's configuration.
- commands used in this mode are
show commands:used
to see configuration
copy configuration:used to
save the router configuration
Debug commands:used to
see the routers back end processing to front end.
Global configuration mode
- we can enter into this mode by using the command configure terminal or configure
- This mode is used to change router's configuration.
- we can set or change hostname of the router.
- we can set or change the secret password.
- we can set banners.
Line configuration
- In this mode we can change theconfiguration of router for specifi line.
- commands used in this mode are
configuration mode
- In this mode we can change the configuration related to any interface.
Router>enable this command is to to move into privilege mode
Router# privileged mode
Router #Configure-terminal: this command is used to move into global configuration mode.
Router (config)# Here we can perform the router configuration
Router (config)#hostname HIT this command is used to set the host name for the router as HIT
Router (config)#enable password HIT this command enables the password for HIT
Router (config)#enable secret password HIT this command enables the encryption password for HIT
Router>enable this command is to to move into privilege mode
Router# privileged mode
Router #Configure-terminal: this command is used to move into global configuration mode.
Router (config)# Here we can perform the router configuration
Router (config)#hostname HIT this command is used to set the host name for the router as HIT
Router (config)#enable password HIT this command enables the password for HIT
Router (config)#enable secret password HIT this command enables the encryption password for HIT
Router#show ? Lists
all show commands available.
Router#show interfaces Displays statistics for all interfaces.
Router#show interface serial 0/0/0 Displays statistics for a specific interface (in this case, serial 0/0/0).
Router#show ip interface brief Displays a summary of all interfaces, including status and IPaddress assigned.
Router#show controllers serial 0/0/0 Displays statistics for interface hardware. Statistics display if theclock rate is set and if the cable is DCE, DTE, or not attached.
Router#show clock Displays time set on device.
Router#show hosts Displays local host-to-IP address cache. These are the names and addresses of hosts on the network to which you can connect.
Router#show users Displays all users connected to device.
Router#show history Displays the history of commands used at this edit level.
Router#show flash Displays info about flash memory.
Router#show version Displays info about loaded software version.
Router#show arp Displays the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table.
Router#show protocols Displays status of configured Layer 3 protocols.
Router#show startup-config Displays the configuration saved in NVRAM.
Router#show running-config Displays the configuration currently running in RAM.
Router(config)#do show running-config Executes the privileged-level show running-config command while in global configuration mode.
Router(config)# The router remains in global configuration mode after the command has been executed.
Router#show interfaces Displays statistics for all interfaces.
Router#show interface serial 0/0/0 Displays statistics for a specific interface (in this case, serial 0/0/0).
Router#show ip interface brief Displays a summary of all interfaces, including status and IPaddress assigned.
Router#show controllers serial 0/0/0 Displays statistics for interface hardware. Statistics display if theclock rate is set and if the cable is DCE, DTE, or not attached.
Router#show clock Displays time set on device.
Router#show hosts Displays local host-to-IP address cache. These are the names and addresses of hosts on the network to which you can connect.
Router#show users Displays all users connected to device.
Router#show history Displays the history of commands used at this edit level.
Router#show flash Displays info about flash memory.
Router#show version Displays info about loaded software version.
Router#show arp Displays the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table.
Router#show protocols Displays status of configured Layer 3 protocols.
Router#show startup-config Displays the configuration saved in NVRAM.
Router#show running-config Displays the configuration currently running in RAM.
Router(config)#do show running-config Executes the privileged-level show running-config command while in global configuration mode.
Router(config)# The router remains in global configuration mode after the command has been executed.
Router(config)#interface s0/0/0 Moves
to serial interface 0/0/0 configuration mode
Router(config-if)#description Link to ISP
Optional descriptor of the link is locally significant
Router(config-if)#ip address Assigns
address and subnet mask to interface
controller(serial interface name) this is used to know the
serial cable slot attached to the router is either DCE or DTE.
Router(config-if)#clock rate 64000
Assigns a clock rate over the serial interface where DCE cable is attached
shutdown Turns interface on
Router(config)#interface fastethernet 0/0 Moves
to Fast Ethernet 0/0 interface configuration mode
Router(config-if)#description this
command is used to set description over any interface of a router
Router(config-if)#ip address
Assigns address and subnet mask to interface
shutdown Turns interface on
Router(config)#banner motd # ******MESSAGE*******. #
sets the banner for the router as that in message
Router(config)# Router(config)#banner login #
******MESSAGE*******. # sets the banner for the login as that
in message
Router(config)# The router remains in
global configuration mode after the command has been executed.
Router(config)#clock timezone EST –5 Sets
the time zone ((Eastern standard time is
5 hours behind UTC.)
Router(config)#ip host
london this will assign the host name for the given ip address
Router(config)#no ip domain-lookup Turns
off trying to automatically resolve an unrecognized command to a local host
Router(config)# The router remains in
global configuration mode after the command has been executed.
Router(config)#line console 0 Moves
to line console configuration mode.
Router(config-line)#logging synchronous Turns
on synchronous logging. Information items sent to the console will not
interrupt the command you are typing. The command will be moved to a new line.
Router#copy running-config startup-config Saves
the running configuration to local NVRAM
running-config tftp Saves the running configuration remotely to a TFTP server
Router#erase startup-config
Deletes the startup configuration file from NVRAM
Router#reload this is used to restart
the router
Router(config)#shutdown this is used to down the
interface or port .
Router(config)#service password-encryption this command is
used to encrypt all the password of a router.the password can't be decypted
agai n once it is encrypted.
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